Howard Boster

About Us

Howard Boster is a world-renowned jeweler, gemologist, and private collection consultant with over 30 years of experience

About us

Finding the right gemstones, jewelry and help can be challenging.

At Howard Boster, we are 100% dedicated to helping you by providing an affordable and insightful jewelry and gemstone sourcing consultation services.

We strive to create unique pieces that will be cherished for generations and to help our clients build their own personal collections that reflect their individual style and taste. We are committed to providing an exceptional level of customer service and building long-lasting relationships with our clients

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Why Choose Us

Howard Boster Gemstones offers the unique opportunity to own a piece of earth that is mined with care and quality.

Whether you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind piece for yourself or a special gift for someone else, you’re sure to find it at Howard Boster Jewelry.

Buy One-Of-A-Kind Gemstones

Howard Boster Gemstones is a luxury gemstone retailer with an unparalleled collection of rare and exotic stones sourced from all over the world.

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